Sunday, July 27, 2014

Happy Lychee Day!

Blogger of the Day: Janet at Vegan Feast Catering and Gonna Go Walk the Dogs
Pubs: The New Vegan: Fresh, Fabulous, and Fun

Meet the lychee (or litchi), a sweet juicy tropical fruit encased in a bumpy red inedible shell. You peel it, seed it, munch it up...then keep on eating more because they're lowcal and powerpunched with vitamin C! Historically they've mostly been grown in China, India and Southeast Asia but if you're lucky enough to live in the "tropical" US, you can find them fresh at farms and farmers' markets in Hawaii, Florida, Texas, etc. If you can't find them there or in your grocer's produce section, look for canned lychees in the canned fruit or Asian section of your store. No lychees in sight? Sub in its cousin the punkrad rambutan!  :)

Janet's not afraid to try crazycool things like lychees, seaweed, rambutans or mangosteens. As head of Vegan Feast Catering she's a creative superstar, inventing recipes that use weird, freaky and exotic ingredients blended brilliantly in surprisingly imaginative ways. She's famous for her zillions of spins on cupcakes, plus she's dreamed up gelatinfree blueberry "jello"...holydeepblue cups of yum!  ;)

How do you eat lychees? Have you ever tried a Lychee Martini? Are you brave enough to try exotic fruits and veggies? What's your favorite way to eat a cupcake?  :)

Check out the rest of our 2014 Daily Food Holiday and Featured Blogger Series!


  1. Lychee is such an interesting fruit! I rarely have anything lychee but, I've recently had a lychee and apple margarita and it was delish!!!

    1. yummmm...that sounds fabulous! I've had a lychee martini and I've seen lychee liqueur which I'd love to try! :)
