Veg-lovin' fests for the rest of September feature zillions of superawesome speakers, exhibitors, vendors, demos and squealingly yumful samples!
Chicago Vegan Mania -- Sept.21st
speakers/demo'ers include:
Ashlee Piper from The Little Foxes, holistic health coach and vegan recipe developer
Natalie Slater from Bake and Destroy, author of Bake and Destroy: Good Food for Bad Vegans
Kelly Peloza from Seitan Beats Your Meat, author of The Vegan Cookie Connoisseur and Cheers to Vegan Sweets
Ellen Jaffe Jones from The Veg Coach, author of Eat Vegan on $4 a Day and Kitchen Divided
Portland VegFest -- Sept.21st & 22nd, Portland, OR
speakers/demo'ers include:
Victoria Moran from Main Street Vegan, author of Main Street Vegan
Miyoko Schinner from Artisan Vegan Life, author of Artisan Vegan Cheese
Karyn Calabrese from Karyn Raw, vegan restaurant and cafe owner, author of Soak Your Nuts
John McDougall, MD, physician and nutrition expert, author of The McDougall Quick & Easy Cookbook, The McDougall Program and The New McDougall Cookbook
Your Health, Your Planet -- Sept.21st, Tucson, AZ
speakers/demo'ers include:
Colleen Patrick-Goudreau from The Compassionate Cook, author of The 30-Day Vegan Challenge, Color Me Vegan, and The Vegan Table
Rich Roll, endurance athlete and author of Finding Ultra
Michael Greger MD from, physician, author, and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, Director of Public Health and Animal Agriculture at the Humane Society of the United State
DC VegFest -- Sept.28th, Wash DC
speakers/demo'ers include:
John Schlimm, author of Grilling Vegan Style, The Tipsy Vegan, and The Cheesy Vegan
Annie and Dan Shannon from Meet the Shannons, authors of Betty Goes Vegan: 500 Classic Recipes for the Modern Family
Doron Petersan, owner of vegan bakery Sticky Fingers Sweets and Eats, Cupcake Wars-winner, author of Sticky Fingers Sweets
(New York City VegFest -- Sept.29th, NYC -- cancelled)
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