Monday, September 8, 2014

Happy National Date Nut Bread Day!

Blogger of the Day: Madison & Jerome at Veggieful
Vegan Party Food
Vegan Lunchbox Ideas
Speedy Vegan Dinners

I've been a designer and doodler since I could sniff out a crayon so imagine my delight at discovering Veggieful! Veggieful is bouncing with all the best things I want in a blog! It's got...
• crazycute illustrations and cartoons
• stunfabulous photography...they are multitalented pro photo takers  :)
• helpful info like "Vegan 101", which smartly lays out protein sources, egg subs and more
• spinningly delicious recipes!

Date nut bread is one of my lifelong most favorite things on the planet...I could happily eat a houseful of the stuff! Maddi and Jerome's loaf is simple to whip up and so magically yumful! Wrap and ribbon it for a lovely gift, or just treat yourself to a sweet nutty chunk of heaven.  :)

Note...Madison and Jerome are cooking it up on the Gold Coast of Australia so use a Cooking Conversion Calculator to get American oven temps, measurements, etc.  :)

Name your...favorite quickbread? Favorite cartoon? Favorite photography site?  :)

Check out the rest of our 2014 Daily Food Holiday and Featured Blogger Series!


  1. Thank you so much for the post. You are so lovely! :)

  2. What a fab blog! My fave quick bread is soda flatbread with coriander for instantly transporting me to sunnier climes...
