Gorp...that's what my dad called it when he taught us how to make trail mix as kids. He said it stood for Grape Nuts, OfCourseChocolate, Raisins, Peanuts and Seeds. (So I guess it was GORPS.) Anyway, that was his recipe. Then we'd hit the hills and hike and a big bag of this munchable snack kept us happy all afternoon. Call it whatever you like...the key is combining sweet, salty and a punch of protein. The classic mix contains raisins, nuts and chocolate but Brittany switches in chickpeas for a superboost of longlasting energy. Stuff this snack in your pocket on the trail, on the road, at a concert or just in a big bowl in the kitchen...it's crazy addictable so double up the recipe! :)
What's your favorite trail mix recipe? What other snacks do you take on the trail (or on the road)? Where's the best place you ever went hiking? :)
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That trail mix recipe looks really good- I'm going to try it out next time I'm going anywhere. I was never a huge fan of trail mix because I'm not keen on the hard and oversweetened banana chips and the coconut flakes that get in your teeth that seem to be in all the bought ones you get over here. My ideal trail mix would include chewy banana pieces instead and maybe some goji berries in addition to the nuts, seeds and raisins. And chocolate. A decent amount of chocolate...