Thursday, November 13, 2014

Happy Brussels Sprouts Day and World Kindness Day!

Blogger of the Day: Christy at The Blissful (& Fit) Chef
Pubs: Blissful Bites: Vegan Meals That Nourish Mind, Body, and Planet

Happy World Kindness Day! Do something supernice today for someone you love or like or don't even know, just for the screaming fun of it...and yes, that includes animals too!  :)

Brussels Sprouts are extrahealthy and easy to eat if you learn a few tips...
• Choose fresh Brussels that are green and solidly firm...take a pass if they're yellowed or puffy or squishy.
• Clean them thoroughly...soak, swirl and rinse to ditch any bugs or dirt.
• Don't overcook don't want sprout mush.
• Or just use frozen Brussels!  :)

You can easily find videos on cooking up Brussels. Steaming and roasting are the must popular plates but grilling, deepfrying and microwaving pop up a lot too. The secret to steaming is to cook your sprouts "al dente" like want them tender on the outside and firm on the inside. Depending on their size this can take 5 to 10 minutes or'll get the timing right after a few taste tests. The secret to roasting is babysit them! Ovens vary and sprout sizes vary so Brussels can easily burn, though some people like that crispy chip effect. If you're microwaving, make sure you cover them. Bsprouts love to explode...that hard little center shoots out like a punky rocket. Trust me on this. Christy shows you how to safely and quickly blanch them in the "How to Cook Brussels Sprouts You Will Love" intro to this recipe. Blanching is fast, easy and preserves that vibrant Brusselgreen color, perfect with the earthy noodles, bright red peppers and sunshiny orange slices.  :)

Vibrant is a great way to describe Christy too...she's so fun and inspiring when it comes to plantpowered health! She's a vegan bodybuilder and Certified Personal Trainer, as well as a wellness coach and professional chef. Give her delicious sprouts & soba a try, then prepare for some serious muscle sculpting!  :)

A few of Christy's fitness features...
Vegan Body Revolution
Definition Magazine
Workout Tips
Yoga, Fitness and Wellness Retreats

How do you like your Brussels? Do you work out? Where do you go for workout advice? What little acts of kindness are you doing today? :)

Check out the rest of our 2014 Daily Food Holiday and Featured Blogger Series!

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